Whatismymovie—a website to identify film titles based on voice description

Image Courtesy: techblog

We are sure that you’re familiar with this feeling. You vaguely remember the story of a film you’d watched a while ago. It’s all in your mind but you simply cannot remember the title. But how can you watch the film once again when you don’t remember the title? Here’s some good news for you! Valossa, a Finnish-based company claims that its website Whatismymovie.com will help you find the film simply based on your description!

The company says that it has developed a new technology that can analyze the content of videos and display results using text-to-pattern conversion.

The Independent reports that Valossa based at the University of Oulu in Finland received $650 k from investors to create the technology. The site displays results based on the description you type or narrate. The smart search-engine will also display film titles based on conditional inputs—for example: show me all films based on zombies from 2015.

The website, which is still under development, analysed approximately 40,000 English movies for demonstration.

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