Yep, it’s true. The government wants to read your WhatsApp messages

The government seems to be extremely interested in our personal lives these days. A draft on government national encryption policy on internet security wants people to keep their messages, emails, social chats and WhatsApp content for 90 days before deleting, and should be produced to authorities if asked for.

Now, this has the nation wondering, how is it going to fix pot holes or reduce crime against women? Maybe this is part of a much larger plan in making India a smart country. Probably the porn ban which miserably failed was the pilot project of this elaborate plan. What next? Obtain a written permission from your area’s local municipality to have sex with your spouse? We’ll have to wait and see. Meanwhile, here’s Twitter’s reaction to the internet security draft policy.

Trending in Bangalore is ‘#ModiDontReadMyWatsapp’

This last one is totally epic

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